Born: 11.30.1936 (Araraquara, SP)
First Vows: 12.09.1957 (Casa Branca, SP)
Perpetual Vows: 12.09.1963 (Casa Branca, SP)
Diaconal Ordination: November, 1978 (Aboisso, Ivory Coast)
Priestly Ordination: 31.01.1982 (Campinas, SP)
Death: 29.07.2019 (Praia Grande, SP)
Age: 82
Fr. Adriano was born in Araraquara, SP, on November 30, 1936, son of Armindo and Nicéia Baptista Moreira Adriano. He was 19 years old when he entered in our Formation House for Stigmatine Professed Brothers in Casa Branca, SP. At this same city he professed his first vows, on 12.09.1957. He studied Philosophy at the Catholic Pontifical University in Campinas (1961-1963), and afterwards professed his perpetual profession (12.09.1963) in Casa Branca, SP, where he served until 1968. On that same year he departed to Ivory Coast, Africa, where he served in Aboisso and Maferé, and studied Philosophy in Abidjan (1975-1978). He was ordained a deacon on November, 1978, by the imposition of the hands of Most Rev. Laurent Yapi, at the Parish of St. Francisco Xavier, in Aboisso.
He returned to Brazil on 1982, and was ordained a Stigmatine Priest at the Stigmatine Parish of St. Benedict, in Campinas, on January 31, 1982, by the imposition of the hands of the Stigmatine Bishop Most Rev. Antônio Alberto Guimarães Rezende, CSS. His first assignment as a Priest was at the Stigmatine Holy Cross Parish, RJ, as a parish vicar. He served there until 1983, when he was transferred to the Stigmatine Parish of St. Anthony in Praia Grande, SP, where he served as pastor until 1987. On that same year he returned to the Ivory Coast, where he served as pastor in Aboisso (1987-1990) and Ayamé (1990-1992). In 1992, he returned to Abidjan, then the national capital, where he also served as pastor. And on 1992 he returned definitely to Brazil, where he first served in the Stigmatine Parish of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, in Itararé, SP, as parish vicar. In 2008 he was transferred to the Stigmatine Parish of Our Lady of the Good Counsel in São Paulo, in the district of Moóca. And finally, in 2010, he returned to the Stigmatine Parish of St. Anthony, in Praia Grande, where he served until his death.
Fr. Adriano was a Stigmatine missionary of apostolic spirit and availability, who will be always remembered in the places where he served, above of all as a joyful religious man, communicative, happy, fulfilled and highly convicted of his priesthood and consecrated life, either in the community life or in the practice of the religious vows. Wherever he served, either in Brazil or in Africa, he always left his unmistakable reference: welcoming smile, prudence in speech, advisory and humanitarian hospitality in daily life.
The malaria, illness he contracted for several times in his intensive missionary life, gradually undermined his organism, and in the evening of July 29, 2019, he was unexpectedly called back to the Father’s House.
His body was waked in the Stigmatine Parish of St. Anthony, in Praia Grande, and was buried on July 31st, in Campinas, in the tomb of the Stigmatine Province of the Holy Cross.
God reward him eternally!
Versione Brasiliana
Versione Francese