July 20th





BORN:                           Giussago (Venice) -  17.12.1925

FINAL PROFESSION: Boscochiesanuova – 17.7.1947

PRIESTHOOD:              Verona – 6.7.1952

DIED:                              St. Leonardo - 20.7.2004

AGE:                              78


Fr. Oscar entered the Congregation in 1938, he did his novitiate at Affi (VR) under the guidance of the Fr. Francesco Pisetta, his Novice Master. In 1944 he pronounced his religious vows for the first time and in 1947, and became a priest in 1952. He exercised the first 15 years of his ministry in various parts of Central and Southern Italy. Notwithstanding his rather poor health, his desire had always been drawn to missionary activity. In 1967 he left for the Ivory Coast together with Fr. Alberto Fontana, and thus initiated our Stigmatine presence in that Country. The fatigue of mission life and the inclemency of the tropical climate further marked his poor health and in 1984, after various attempts of a cure, he was forced to return definitively to Italy. Bishops, religious, Confreres and laity who live and  proclaim the Gospel in the Ivory Coast retain a beautiful memory of him, of his joyful dedication, of his lifestyle which was truly exemplary  and evangelically simple.

In Italy he lived for many years at Cadellara, accompanying the young professed and praying for the missionary work of the Congregation. He gave a good example of fraternal community life. Fr. Oscar accepted his last suffering with humour and he always offered sweets and candies to all who visited him with a smile. His good humour was  always on his lips: «I am offering my sufferings for the conversion of my Confreres!» – he loved to repeat.


                                  Italiano Francese