April 28






I first met Fr. Paul Mothobi Tatu when he was still in formation. I witnessed his ordination and I witnessed how he evolved as a parish priest and later as the SACBC's communications officer. I also witnessed how he committed to his personal growth by furthering his studies. His homilies and the conversations you'd have with him were the magnets that would shift your compass needle. One thing about him, sugar-coating was never his style - unlike Jesus, he didn't speak in riddles. He was an intelligent someone, you could see that in how he took care of himself - self-care was on the top of his list, anything that disturbed his peace he would distance himself from it at all costs. Every conversation that me and him would have would end in him asking me, "O nyalwa neng?" He was ardently waiting to facilitate the pre-cana, to officiate the wedding ceremony, to being known as the bride's spiritual advisor, the bride's brother, and the bride's friend - unfortunately human cruelty robbed him of that opportunity. I'm unable to say that what has happened ke thato ya Modimo - no parent wants to see their children in grief and I do not believe that God wills for the spirit to violently separate from the body. At this point, it's difficult to understand what's really going on but whatever it is, it hurts very much!

Rest well Ntate

Laurika Nxumalo




Laurika Nxumalo

Italiano - Inglese