February 17st






Zevio, VR – August 4, 1881


August 15, 1897


Trento – August 21, 1904


Verona (S. Leonardo) – February 17, 1969

AGE: 88 


After the first years of ministry in Italy, he left for Brazil with Fr Adami and Bro Valzacchi (10.11.1910).  He worked intensely and with much appreciation from the people in Tibagy (Paranà).

In 1919 he returned to Italy to take part in the General Chapter. He had to remain in Italy for some years and he was the first provost of the parish of S. Croce in Milan.(1920).  In 1924 he went back to Brazil where he worked in the new parish of S. Caetano in S. Paulo which had been entrusted to our congregation. In 1927 e became parish priest and in 1928 he build the residence for the priest of the parish. 

From 1933 to 1934 he built the new church acting as architect and engineer. Because of these activities and his valuable pastoral service he left a lasting memory of himself in S. Caetano.  He returned to Italy in 1946 for the General Chapter, and never again went back to Brazil.  He then dedicated himself very intensely to the pastoral ministry and to prayer.

He was of great example and was admired by everybody in his old age.



Versione italiana   Brasil