Final profession:
AGE: 90
God gave our Stigmatine Congregation a living model of holiness in Brother Roberto. After his final profession he lived in Rio Claro (SP) as a porter.
From 1940 he lived in Casa Branca, dedicated to the house tasks and to the people who were looking for him. He offered his spiritual services to the people in the shrine of Our Lady of Desterro and in the parish annexed to it, until few months before his death. He was visiting the sick and bringing them Holy Communion always on foot.
He was passionate for two things: the sick and the poor.
The amiability of his face, the simplicity of his behaviour and the sensitivity for the needs of others attracted the attention and admiration of all people, both commoners and intellectuals, priests or laity, confreres or strangers. He was a person totally taken by God’s Spirit.
He was constantly frail because of the austere abstinence he lived by, so much so that it appeared a miracle the fact that he lived until the age of 90.
He was buried beside the altar of the church of Our Lady of Desterro. The faithful wanted him close to them even after death.