May 4th






Flamignano,  UD -  August 24, 1911


Genezzano, Roma – August 25,1932


Rome, April 20, 1935


Rome – May 5, 1995

AGE: 84 years old.

            Fr. Cornelius Fabro was well known throughout the world of culture as a philosopher. His greatest notoriety came to him for his service rendered in Philosophy, in the theological  sciences, and in culture, in general.

            He was an impassioned  scholar of the thinking of st. Thomas Aquinas and of Soren Kierkegaard, as well as of modern atheism, in his  publications which were both numerous and voluminous.  He obtained the  degree in philosophy [1931], in theology [1937], and taught  in various Pontificial Universities, with one brief parenthesis [1957], when he was on the faculty of the Catholic University of Milano.  In 1965, he became an Ordinary of theoretical philosophy at the state University of Perugia.

            He was truly an apostle of the word and of the pen. In the professor’s chair, in research, in his meeting with colleagues and students, Fr. Fabro felt himself to be a witness of his faith, being an energetic announcer of the singular responsibility of each individual, of freedom, truth, and fidelity to the Church.  He truly loved priestly ministry, from the  Eucharistic celebration to the preaching of the Sunday Gospels, in the Confessional, in offering spiritual direction: these were the ministries that he offered for many years in our Parish of  the Holy Cross, where he was assigned in 1946, and remained there until his death. In addition to his teaching and priestly ministry, he accompanied all this with his precious service to the Church, on may occasions and assignments that lasted a very long time.  He participated in the Iind Vatican Council, as an Expert. He was General Councilor during the war years, up until 1946. He shared always with lively interest in the life of the Congregation, which he truly loved as a mother, who had accepted him, when he was still a young man.

Italian version