BORN:            Stravino, TN - 06.12.1919

FINAL PROFESSION: Sezano VR - 09.09.1942

ORDINATION:  Verona - 07.07.1946

DECEASED: Ayamé (Côte-d’Ivoire) - 01.12.1996

AGE: 77


He entered the Apostolic School in Verona in August 1932. Since the first years of secondary school he was outstanding for intelligence and successful in all subjects. All liked him because of his meek character, his simplicity and serenity of heart and his generous availability.

After his priestly ordination in 1946 he was sent to Rome where he obtained the licentiate in theology and Scripture. He taught Scripture for some time in our Apostolic School in Sezano. He was however more inclined to active apostolate among the people of God. He showed this in Rome (1946-1949), in Milan (1949-1952 and 1954-1970), in Pavia (1970-1980). This interior thrust led him to Africa notwithstanding his sixty years of age.

In Ivory Coast he had a manifold activity: both as a teacher and in the pastoral activity. Unfortunately the African climate was bad for his health. He started having constant malaria fever, respiratory problems and he had to undergo also some operations.

Notwithstanding so many troubles he never lost his enthusiasm and his spiritual tension grew by the day. He dreamed to remain on that African soil that he loved so much for all the days of his life. The Lord accepted his desire and he called him to himself one Sunday, at the end of a fully active missionary and priestly day. 


Italian version