January 31th




BORN: Piracicaba, SP, 7.11.1917

Temporary Profession: 22.11.1937

Perpetual Profession: 22.11.1940


DEATH: 31.1.2004

86 Years old


Fr. Lino was born at Piracicaba, in the State of Sao Paulo, in a quarter which was inhabited by Italian immigrants and which became a nest of many vocations to priesthood and religious life. He studied at Rio Claro nad Ribeirão Preto and was ordained a priest in 1944.

He exercised his ministry firstly as a formator in the same formation communities and subsequently was sent to work in different parishes, always showing a particular zeal in the apostolic work. He was always ready to the needs of the faithful, exemplary and dedicated, faithful to the teaching of the Church which he loved in a particular way. Gifted with a deep spiritual life, he was devoted to Our Lady and worked for the spreading of the `Legion of Mary´ and for the development of liturgical singing.

He was very faithful to his religious commitments, being always the first at meetings and community prayer and had a deep devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. He published also some articles containing wise teachings.

He started feeling sick and was diagnosed with a cancer in the oesophagus. He was operated and recovered quite well but later on his health conditions deteriorated.

