January 26th





Cava dei Tirreni - 9.7.1918




Verona - 26.1.2002

AGE: 83 


When he entered our institute in 1948 he was an adult of thirty years, with the experience of military service during the last World War.

Desiring to do God’s will, he welcomed with gratitude the possibility of engaging his energies to serve the confreres in the most humble services of cleaning the house of kitchen work and as a barber.

His characteristics were an intense prayer life, love of his vocation, spirit of service and constant tranquillity. Our superiors were happy to welcome him in our religious family, and he has been a blessing for us all!

He spent all his life as a nurse in Cadellara, Sezano, and from 1955 until the end of his life, in San Leonardo for the aspirants, when it was our Apostolic School, and, afterwards, for our elderly confreres.

His day began with an early rise, at 4h30, then he entered the chapel and conversed with his Lord in planning the day according to his will. Charged with divine love, he started his most various services with love, joy and prayer.

He loved the sick confreres, to the extent of tenderly kissing them as a mother, before bidding them good night.  He wished them welfare and physical health, but above all he wanted them to keep themselves in peace with the Lord at any moment of the day.

Brother Natale has left for all of us a remembrance of authentic holiness.


 Italian version