May 14th






Cembra  TN  - January 9,1879


November 18, 1897


Verona – September 19, 1903


Campinas SP – May 14, 1967

AGE: 88 years old


            He was one of the initiators of the Parish of the Holy Cross in Milan.  He remained there from 1904-1909, and then was transferred to the Houses of Piacenza, Udine, Pistoia, Verona, to the House of the Trinity. He served many times as Economus.

            In 1920, he left for Brazil. At Rio Claro, he served as teacher and parish assistant, and was the builder of he student house there. His talent as engineer and builder, accompanied him in his various assignments. He was of a rather rough and ready nature, but one who was most  zealous and assiduous in the Confessional. He served in all the offices: local superior, pastor, councilor and spiritual father.


Italian version