BORN: Laghi (Vicenza) – 28.10.1874
ORDAINED: 18.12.1897
DIED: Ribeirão Preto (Brazil) – 27.9.1944
AGE: 70
After his ordination he worked for a long time in the education of our aspirants at Verona and Pistoia (during the First World War). He was also elected general councillor. In 1920 he was sent to Brazil where he founded and directed the formation house of Rio Claro. He was appointed Visitator in Brazil for several years and then he worked in to Minas Gerais, at Uberaba as a superior. He was chosen to be a Novice Master at Ribeirao Preto. In 1940 he was elected general councillor, but could not come to Italy because of health problems. Fr Dionigi Martinis substituted him. He underwent several painful operations for a tumor. His funeral was celebrated solemnly at the nearby Olivetan abbey.