May 1st







Berceto PR -  March 8, 1929


September 9, 1949


Verona – June26, 1955


Bolca, VR – May 1, 1974

AGE – 45 years old


            He spent his first 12 years  of priest in assisting the boys in our Colleges of Verona and Udine. Then, for six years, he was Director  at Trent, still working among the youth. As his health as always somewhat uncertain and weak, he was then transferred to the Stimmate, where he sought to restore his  waning strength. On an outing to Bolca, he suddenly collapsed to the  ground, struck down by a heart attack. His young life, has just about reached its full bloom. While he appeared externally tranquil, he was not very   expansive, and kept deep within himself a very acute sensitivity. His aspiration had always been to leave for the foreign missions, but he was not able to realize this dream due to his own delicate heal, and family concerns. His faithfulness to  his  duties as a religious assisted him to accept these limitations and these painful renunciations.


Italian version