July 13th






BORN:                            Arcole, (Verona) – 26.7.1912


ORDAINED:                   Verona – 7.3.1936

DIED:                              Parma – 13.7.1978

AGE:                                66 


After his ordination in Verona he stayed with our students in formation for one year. He then went to Parma as a bursar of the college. Subsequently he worked in our communities of Udine and Milan (S. Croce). He was confided upon by many people because of his his welcoming smile and his enchanting simplicity. When he returned to Parma in 1962, he was appointed parish priest of the new parish of the “Stimmate” in the southern district of the town. He exercised this ministry for 16 years and spent his life in many pastoral initiatives and sacrifices.



Italian version