BORN:                            Cerro Maggiore (Milan) - 28.12.1912

FINAL PROFESSION:   Sezano (Verona) - 9.9.1935

ORDAINED:                  Verona - 9.7.1939

DIED:                              Bari - 17.9.1993

AGE:                                81   



He was always available to go where the superiors called him. He was in charge of the Oratory of Parma in 1939, teacher in Sezano in 1940, vice parish priest at S. Croce in Rome from 1945 to 1950, where he exercised the best of his ministry among the youth.  He was nominated a rector in the boarding schools of Trento, Udine and Gemona. In 1958 he moved Bellizzi (South Italy) and worked there until 1962. From 1962 to 1964 he lived at Noto (Sicily). After a brief period in Parma, he moved to Battipaglia where he remained for the next fifteen.

From 1981 to 1987 he exercised the parish ministry at Sapri where he was also the superior of the community. In 1987 he was appointed spiritual director of the temporary professed and theology students at Bari, where he worked for the last six years of his life. Death caught him as a faithful and good servant who shares in the joy of his Master, one week after his annual Retreat with the Oblates of Rho (Milan).




Italian version