May 7th






Mezzolombardo TN – March 19, 1907


November 2, 1925


Rome – December 7, 1931


Verona – May 7, 1986

AGE: 79 years old


            He was an exemplary Religious, and show always outstanding  characteristics for his Eucharistic piety, and his love for the Congregation. With edifying availability, he offered himself in the most varied tasks: teaching, preaching parish work, spiritual direction. He served as superior at san Severino  Marche,  at Trent, Milano, Mormanno, Crotone, and elsewhere. He was Pastor at Poggiomarino and also at Battipaglia. During his lifetime, he lived in 21 different communities. He spent the last years of his life at San Leonardo [Verona]. He was a model of religious observance, and the vigilant sentinel before the Tabernacle, where he remained long hours to pray for vocations. Conscious of his declining state of health, he prepared himself serenely for his death.


Italian version