May 5th





Chiusaforte UD – November 24, 1908


November 2, 1928


Verona – 1933


Negrar VR- May 5,1986

AGE: 78 years old.


            His was an open  intelligence, and a jovial character, and he completed his  studies with good success. He attended the Seminary of Verona for his  theological studies: as we did not have yet at that time the college courses and theology. He was assigned to Gemona, and then later to Udine, in the administration.  He then left for Brazil, where he continued his pastoral activity in Campinas: and always did so with great zeal, simplicity and humility.

            Form 1946 – 1958, he served as a General Councilor in Rome. He then went back to Brazil, and remained there up until his golden jubilee as a priest.  His poor health at that time forced his return to Italy. He spent the last yearsd of his life in the community at San  Leonardo.

Italian version