July 7th



BORN:              Artegna UD May 4, 1918

ENTERED:       Trent 1930

ORDINATION: Rome - July 11, 1943.

DEATH:             San Leonardo July 7, 2004



            Fr.  Aldo was born on May 4, 1918, in Artegna, Udine – and he died July 7, 2004 at San Leonardo in Verona. 

            On Wednesday morning, July 7th, 2004 Fr. Aldo Mattiussi passed away,  after a long illness. Fr. Aldo’s last months were quite painful, going from one hospital to another, due to his condition that became ever more precarious. However, his serenity and  the great faith that accompanied him in this last period of his life served as an example for the  entire Community at San Leonardo. His condition took a real turn when he broke his leg one Sunday afternoon. He fell in the Community Chapel in the attempt to pick up his Breviary. 

            After several stretched of time spent in hospitals, first at Borgo Trento, and then at the Chierego Perbellini  Clinic,  he was brought back home last June 25th His final days were spent in serenity, despite the seriousness of his conditions. This manifested itself especially in very high fevers which alternated  with times of great  serenity. 

            Each morning, Fr. Aldo received Communion, with great devotion, responding lucidly to the Liturgical Prayer. In the end, his physical stamina just gave way. He fell asleep in the Lord, in the morning of July 7, 2004, while the Community was in Chapel for the  Prayer of Lauds and the celebration of the Mass. 

            His funeral was  scheduled for July 10th, at 9:00  in the morning, at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, Colle San Leonardo, in Verona. On the evenings at 8:30, of Wednesday, the 7th – Thursday, the 8th, and Friday the 9th, the Community of San Leonardo for the praying of the Rosary in suffrages for Fr. Aldo.

A Fraternal  Remembrance of Fr. Lidio Zaupa

            Fr. Aldo, called the ‘Friulan Doc’, was the nephew of Fr. Michael Maddussi, and had some family relationship with Fr. Tarcisio Martina.  He came to the Stigmatines in Trent in 1930, and made his Novitiate under the direction of fr. Benjamin Miori. He  did some of his  studies at the Gregorian, and then went to the Angelicum, and obtained the Licentiate in both Philosophy and Theology. He was ordained a Priest in Rome on July 11, 1943.

            He exercised his ministry,  first at Battipaglia [1944-1946]. From 1946-1949, he was Prefect of the Aspirants, first  at Galbiate, and then at Cadellara. From 1949-1955 he was Superior of the Holy Cross Community of Milan. From 1955-1967, he served as Novice Master of so many Stigmatines – first at San Leonardo, and then at Grottaferrata, near Rome. After short assignments in Pavia, Malosco and St. Leo’s in Milan, from 1970-1975, he was Pastor and then Superior  in Trent, from 1975-1985, he was parish assistant at St. Leo’s in Milan, and from 1985 until his last illness, he  served in Pavia. He was always available for various assignments,  especially as  hospital chaplain.

Thank you, Fr. Aldo – for your continuous smile, your great capacity of prayer and service, and for your Friulan tenacity!

Livio Guerra - Provincial Secretary.


Italian version