BORN:                            Piracicaba, SP (Brazil) - 4.7.19 10

FINAL PROFESSION:  Verona - 16.0.1934

ORDAINED:                  Campinas, SP - 6.12.1936

DIED:                             Campinas, SP - 23.8.1995

AGE:                              85


He was a son of Italian immigrants and was born at Piracicaba (SP). He entered the formation house of Rio Claro, where he completed his secondary school. He was one of the first novices and after his profession he left for Italy, where he studied theology. Then he returned to Brazil and was ordained a priest in 1936.

After his ordination he was sent to Ituiutaba, in the Mineiro Triangle which was at that time a very difficult mission land. Having completed two years of training, he went further inside the state of Goiás and settled in the little town of Formosa, in the middle of the sertão, where the survival of the fittest was the rule of life. He spent two years engaged in truly missionary activities.

In 1941 he returned to S. Paulo and worked in several parishes (Campinas, S. Caetano do Sul and Cafelândia). From 1960 to 1986 he worked as an assistant parish priest at S. Cruz (Rio de Janeiro). He helped the poorest and the most needy people of that area, with commitmente and joy. He spent the last years of his life in Campinas where he died in 1995 at the age of 85.



Italian version