Born:               Cembra (Trento)   29.8.1876

Entered:           Verona 1891

Ordained:         1899

Died:                Verona (Stimate)  11.6.1933

Age:                 57



As a youth he always wanted to go to the foreign missions . He dedicated himself with much zeal to the knowledge and the cause of canonisation of our Founder. After long and patient work of research he managed to collect a rich amount of material and testimonies on the life and virtues of Father Gaspar. He was director of our house in Capodistria for sometime, and then he left for Brazil in 1921, where he generously worked for eleven years. As a parish priest in Castro (Paraná) he had to deal with many people who fought against him, but he managed to conquer them with his patient charity. In 1932 he had to return to Italy physically exhausted, and after few months he died.


 Italian version