July 30th




BORN:               Trento – 26.4.1901

ENTERED:       Verona – 4.11.1912

ORDAINED:    Campinas – 6.2.1927

DIED:               Ribeirão Preto (S. Paolo) – 30.7.1979

AGE:                 78 


He left for Brazil while still a student in 1923. He was assigned to the formation of our Candidates in our seminary of Rio Claro. His apostolate was marked by heavy tribulations but also by great satisfactions.

In 1934 he left Rio Claro and went to work at S. Caetano do Sul as an assistant parish priest and as a bursar. Then he moved to Casa Branca.

In 1940 he was elected first Provincial Superior of the Province of Santa Cruz and he remained in office for ten years: during this period he had to take important decisions because of the Second World War. On the 21st June 1950 he founded, together with Miss Hulda Maria Soares, the Female Secular Institute of the “Servas de Jesus Secerdotes” (= “The Handmaids of Christ the Priest”). He edified everybody with a holy death.


Italian version


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