July 3th






BORN:              Verona – 6.11.1794

ENTERED:         Verona (Stimmate) - 1822

DIED:               Verona (Stimmate) – 3.7.1846

AGE:                52 


In 1822 he joined St. Gaspar at the Stimmate, while he was already a priest. He dedicated himself to a life of humility and mortification. He was constantly occupied in teaching at the primary school, in giving catechism lessons to young people and to the uneducated. He liked to serve in the most humble everyday tasks of the house.  He loved so much poverty that he was happy even for that little and coarse food he was given to eat. He loved the congregation with deep affection and he gave a witness to this by leaving all his large possessions as an inheritance to the Congregation. St. Gaspar together with all the other confreres, refused it and handed it over to Fr. Francesco’s brother. 



Italian version France