NATALE ZENI (priest)


BORN: Tonadico, TN - 24.12.1913

FINAL PROFESSION: Trento - 25.12.1934

ORDINATION: Trento - 02.04.1938

DECEASED: Trento - 01.12.1998

AGE: 85


At the age of 12 he entered as an aspirant in Verona, Ss.ma Trinità.

He exercised his ministry especially as an educator and teacher in our colleges and schools of Gemona, Udine and Verona. In the 1960s he was also superior of the Apostolic School in S. Leonardo in Verona. He spent the last years of his life in the community of Trento. He had distinguished attention and hospitality towards guests, especially our confreres.

His methodical life and his youthful mannerism, were signs that manifested Fr Natale’s inner world: operosity, vigilance and cheerfulness were his life style.

He lived with dedication, punctuality and love for more than fifty years in the teaching apostolate. He was persevering in his engagements, hard working in teaching, deeply motivated and self conscious in his own health care and in the spiritual life. His great secret was “the wise use of time”. He was absolutely regular in all his activities.

As a genuine son of St Gaspar, he kept balanced in all his feelings. He was never exaggerated to the point of being pushy, and in the same time never insensitive to the point of disregarding others. The characteristic of Fr Natale’s life was faithfulness to God’s will both in his person and in the service to the congregation. This faithfulness was lived within a strong spirit of prayer, and in complete availability to the superiors’ will. He loved much our Founder and our Congregation.


Italian version